Alaska – the last great adventure

Everyone is America should have to go to Alaska at least once.

Firstly, it is so different to the rest of the country. Secondly it is totally awesome! You genuinely feel like Alaska is undiscovered and new and the people in Alaska rock. They live where they are or they wouldn’t be there and they love to introduce you to why they are there.

Even the airport in Alaska is great. Best WiFi in the country!

Let me remind you that I had not seen snow before I got to Anchorage and then I saw a blizzard! I even got to slowly crash a snow machine. These things were a little scary at the time but I am so glad I got to do it. I am even glad that I got to go dogsledding and visit a yurt, I was annoyed at the time it took when there but to see the environment, Denali on a clear day and my first moose was unforgettable. How many people get that experience?

I think you need a whole year to get Alaska! If going for a holiday allow at least a month so you can get to all of the different areas. I would love to go back and really spend some time there.

I think Alaska is probably best experienced by people who are adventurous of spirit. Be prepared to try new things in Alaska and be excited by them. Also, add seeing a glacier to your bucket list, you will never forget the colour.

I give Alaska 9.8 out of ten. Thanks for the memories and the challenge!alaska couple

alaska dogs

alaska ice

alaska stop sign

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